2023 Here We Come!
A year of ‘returning to normal’ post COVID chaos; 2022 brought with it some fantastic opportunities, and many unique challenges.
Phew! What a year!
Christmas time has always caught me somewhat off guard with its tendency to provoke a deep level of reflection, gratitude, anticipation of the year not yet begun, and at times a hint of sadness; and this year is certainly no exception.
Having intended since the inception of Successiv to ‘blog’ our learnings for you all – ‘please find below’ some Christmas reflections, both personal and professional.
Locally, and within our industry we have faced extremes of all kinds, with just a mere handful below:
- Canola topped out just below $1,200/t in the middle of the year before local shipping restrictions contributed to the largest ever basis gap of more than -$200/t from the world price.
- Fertiliser prices increased more than 40% over the course of the year and whilst we continue to talk about input prices ‘returning to normal’ who even knows what ‘normal’ is anymore.
- A change in government and general world agricultural pressure saw a meeting of minds at the Inaugural National ESG Roundtable in Oct at which the Minister for Agriculture’s key message was “you can key shape the future or the future can shape you” in a key note speech delivering the importance of ‘sustainability’ and the many pillars that fall below this concept. (read the address here: Address to the Australian Farm Institute Roundtable on Cultivating ESG Capability | Ministers (agriculture.gov.au))
- Australia became one of 122 countries worldwide to sign the global Methane Reductions Plan which aims to reduce methane emissions by almost 30% in 10 years. Despite our near neighbours in NZ having imposed a price on methane emissions Mr Watt currently has ruled this out as a potential step. Notably on this point, the red meat indsutry produces only 11.8% of Australia’s methane and is the only industry so far to have noteably reduced their emissions – having reduced them more than 53% since 2005! Read more about the MLA’s CN2023 Plan here: Carbon neutral 2030 R&D | Meat & Livestock Australia (mla.com.au)
- Rain, rain, and more rain – another year for the record books across much of the Great Southern with October once again turning the season on its head in many locations.
For Successiv, it has been an amazing period of transition. For Brett and myself, stepping out of our roles as employees and Bankers and into the world of independence and non-biased advice, has brought with it a monumental learning experience. Having the opportunity to delve into our client’s businesses in an entirely new way has been exciting, and we have both relished in the challenge. 2023 has so much in store for Successiv, with both of us investigating an array of opportunities and collaborations to help our customers’ businesses thrive.
So much more could be said for the year that was, and anticipated for the year that is coming. But at Successiv, our word for 2022 would be most accurately ‘grateful’; for the opportunities, for the adventure, for the people who have put their faith in us, and for each other…
As we all storm into 2023, many of you still harvesting, most of us still tapping away selling grain at midday, and hopefully all of us taking precious moments with family and friends; the team at Successiv want to wish everyone a very safe and Happy New Year and if you, or someone you know would like assistance or advice in the new year, please dont hesitate to reach out.